The Blog Next Door

I talk about my life & random opinions like I’m your best friend 💕

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GIF by SpongeBob SquarePants
spongebob squarepants computer GIF

Go to the “Songs Of The Day” to listen to music while reading 💕

Let’s Login

Random thoughts & the meme of the day 👩🏻‍💻

Move On Reaction GIF by Super Deluxe
Happy Flower Sticker by LAZY MOM

Just some thoughts

Happy Flower Sticker

Hey besties💖,

So I finally got myself situated and now we can get back to business every other Monday is the new date💖 can’t wait to show y’all what I got in mind. Remember I’ll be still updating songs of the day & caught in 4K every other day or every day if I can so don’t forget to check in💜.

Love y’all💖

Tech Tron GIF by mag3.giphy
That’s Just Me Tho☕️🐸
Tech Tron GIF by mag3.giphy

But that’s just me tho…🐸☕️

All the hills I’m ready to die on. Change my mind. Or don’t, IDc

Hey besties💖

It has been a long couple weeks, from getting sick to everyone in my home getting sick, to work and getting sick again.

I had a personal issue I had needed to get rid of. Now that I’m all situated, I’m feeling better & getting back to what I need to actually focus on.

I got myself a promise ring as a way to promise myself to continue to put myself first and to not let anyone or anything getting in the way of that. I think it’s important to have a good connection with yourself and being honest with yourself as well. I don’t strive to be perfect or be “a good person” because I don’t think being a good person is a real thing. Expecting perfection from myself is the worst thing I can do to myself. I’ve definitely learned to love myself more as I’ve gotten older. Knowing that means more than just “self care” but giving myself compassion & understanding when I make mistakes & when I’m not at my best. Allowing myself to grow & being more patient with myself.

For me,that it also means investing in myself. I think everyone should invest in themselves in one way or another.

I invest in myself emotionally, mentally, spiritually and financially. I like how you can see that especially when it comes to my physical and spiritual health now.

Personally, my mind, body and spirit are all very connected.

So usually if one is out of whack, it affects the others drastically for me.

It’s important specifically for ME that I keep that balance so that I can maintain myself and take care of what I want & the people I care about.

This doesn’t mean that I don’t let people spoil me or allow people to take care of me.

I have people that CAN and that HAVE in the past.

However, I’m selective about what I take from people and what is given to me and the intention. I don’t like to use people or manipulate people to get what I want. Not the type of person that I am. I honestly don’t think that would be something that I could ever do.

Everything and anything that was ever given to me or done for me was because that person WANTED to give/invest in me.

Not because I did some parlor trick, use emotional manipulation or needed to seduce someone. It’s an energy & mine speaks for itself when I’m around the right people. I feel like not a lot of people have that.

I come from a family that taught me to provide for myself first and the people I love. To work hard and that not every offer is a good offer. Not all money is good money and everything that smiles isn’t your friend.

I’ve learned that in my own experiences and that there’s a balance to trust and loyalty. Giving complete blindness to both not only is stupid but dangerous, especially if given to a person.

To me, those things are earned and have to be kept & maintained. I hold myself to the same standards that I hold for other people in my life and that that’s not a bad thing.

That’s what taking care of myself looks for me and it works.

If you looked at a picture from 2017 and a picture now in 2024, you can drastically see the difference in my face.

I literally glow on the outside and I feel good on the inside because I’ve taken better care of myself and invested in my mental health & especially my physical.

I’ve been told that I look happier and even more youthful now at 26 than I did then at 18 years old. Stress is dangerous and can age your body drastically or even kill you if you let it. There’s not nothing in this world worth my peace or my quality of life.

Anyway, make sure you do whatever it is that you want to do for your life.

Remember someone else’s goals and ambitions are not yours. Don’t compare your life to someone whose life you don’t want.

But I ain’t nobody, that’s just me though💜

💖Caught In 4K 📷

⭐️Some of my favorite pictures & random uploads⭐️

I got some flowers again💖Most of the dates I go on now, I get flowers before hand or offered a nice gesture like cooking a meal for me & here I thought courting was getting of out style.

Acid Yes GIF by Manifest Destiny Down: SPACETIME

One Of Us

I’ll share some videos here I feel remind us we are all only human. Anything from politics, funny memes or just random shit. Updated everyday-ish















kurt cobain nirvana GIF
Video Art Pink GIF by Zita Nagy
The Lot Radio GIF by MOODMAN

✨Sometimes I Think. Sometimes I Don’t Chronicles🤡 ✨

Gun Shoot GIF by Sad Hamster

Btw if you ever read any grammar mistakes no you didn’t.

Ttyl besties,


I love you and ALWAYS love ya self💕